Technical Advisory Committee



The Harbor Bridge Citizens’ Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is an advisory group composed of interested stakeholders, technical experts, and agency representatives within the community who represent a broad range of views, backgrounds, and interests. The committee serves in an advisory role to the Harbor Bridge project team by providing technical advice and guidance regarding resources and issues that are of particular interest to the community throughout the EIS and schematic (preliminary engineering design) for this project.

Criteria considered by TxDOT for TAC membership include:

  • Broad representation of stakeholder interests
  • Diversity
  • Demonstrated interest in the Harbor Bridge project
  • Professional experience in the technical areas applicable to the project
  • Willingness to make the required time commitment for TAC participation.

Members can nominate themselves or be nominated by others. TxDOT makes the final decision on membership based on the criteria described above.

The mission of the TAC is as follows:

  • To review and monitor environmental studies and engineering products, and provide feedback to TxDOT.
  • To promote public awareness and understanding of the project.
  • To share information learned at TAC meetings with others in their field and bring back to TAC meetings any feedback received as a result of this information sharing.
  • To assist TxDOT in identifying environmental impacts and mitigation strategies for those impacts.

The TAC meets at least three times a year. Meetings are led by a facilitator and are open to the public. Individuals who are not TAC members are welcome to provide input during a public comment period at the end of each meeting.

The first TAC meeting was held on January 11, 2011 and the second one was held on June 21, 2012.  A third meeting took place on October 18, 2012.  The first meeting of 2013 was held on July 11, 2013. Dates for future meetings will be announced on the website as they become available.


January 9, 2014

July 11, 2013

October 18, 2012 Meeting

June 21, 2012 Meeting

January 11, 2012 Meeting